
Friday, June 12, 2009

The iPhone loometh

Finally, a version of the iPhone worth the hype? In spite of my aversion to all things Apple, I have succumbed to the iPhone 3Gs.

The first version of the iPhone did not tempt me at all. It was over-priced and under-featured. But the latest version has finally left my Chocolate and Blackberry in the the dust. Two days with the iPhone and I was hooked.

What I love about the iPhone is the interaction with the Internet, and the ability to carry less devices. Ihe browser and screen are actually functional enough

Now if they would only improve the camera (flash and zoom, please!), the audio player (fast-forward, anyone?), and the phone speaker (Can you hear now? Of course, not) then this device would rule the world. Oh yes, and battery life would be nice, though I carry my Juice Pack with me all the time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The iPhone cometh

My family can't believe it, but I bought an iPhone. My college-age daughter spotted the signature line on an email "sent from my iPhone" and immediately sent her condolences. I assured her I had not been brainwashed, or turned into an Apple zombie.

You see, I have carried a Blackberry for over four years. I loved being able to get my email, and to connect to servers at work to do urgent problem solving. There was, and is a browser available on the Blackberry. Somehow, it didn't quite put the Internet in my pocket.

Enter the iPhone. I checked out the first generation, and promptly flunked it on price and functionality. Instead I went with the LG Chocolate, as I mentioned in this post. I was very happy with my Chocolate, considering I still had to carry the Blackberry for work, and could occastionally venture out with just the Chocolate.

Then circumstances changed. I could now choose what phone I wanted to carry for both personal cals and email. I decided to check out the iPhone. (Not that there hasn't been sufficient press on the features) Looking at the 3G, I was impressed by the screen response, and the browser. I was horrified at the thought of losing a quick video camera, cut and paste, and multi-media messages. Yes, as inferior as my Chocolate was to the mighty iPhone, those features were all standard.

Enter the 3Gs. While I still had my phone on the trial period, the 3Gs with its GPS features, improved response, and video was announced. I traded my 3G for the 3Gs. Finally an iPhone with enough features to make me keep it.

At least until Droid hits.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Music for the holiday. See Santa take a swim.